We again have our stainless steel transom plates in stock ! The plates are 16 gauged stainless steel- laser engraved with Logo, and come with all hardware to mount. Mounting is simple- slide it on … [Read more...]
Solo Skiff reviews
We find customer reviews from time to time and like to point them out so potential users can see an outside opinion on the Solo Skiff. Take a look at this three part review from 'Kagen Fishing' … [Read more...]
Solo Skiff on Social Media
Thought I'd upload a quick blog post about Solo Skiff on social media- specifically Instagram. Are you on Instagram ? Instagram is a fantastic social media platform that makes it easy to upload tons … [Read more...]
Solo Skiff – A versatile watercraft
The solo skiff was designed for fishing , however, besides being a fantastic fishing vessel what else can you do with a solo skiff you may ask? There are so many things a Solo Skiff can … [Read more...]
What is a Solo Skiff
We thought we would put together a quick video describing what a Solo Skiff is. The video is on our youtube page, Please share it !! What is a Solo Skiff... The ultimate fishing kayak ! … [Read more...]
Fishing Kayaks with motors – Why they rock.
When it comes to fishing, kayaks work, that is why there are tens of thousands of them being used every day to pursue our favorite sport – fishing. Now I know there is a big difference between a ‘ … [Read more...]
The Fishing Kayak…on steroids
Why am I calling this article the fishing kayak on steroids ? Because as you learn using a Solo Skiff, it really is a fishing kayak…on steroids. You may think that because it goes 15mph. When you … [Read more...]