Hey everyone ! We thought we would post a news bite about our retailers. We are shipping out to retailers as fast as we can. From Florida too Maine to the midwest ! We have already received great reviews from store owners and customers alike -We at Solo Skiffs would like too extend a huge thank you to you all ! We are excited to offer the product that we are ! We are signing up new dealers every day- so if there is not a retailer close to you at present, there should be very soon, call or email us to discuss locations, and location suggestions (which many people have done thank you). is my site down Another news bit is we have a new website going up in a few weeks with a dealer locator page, all new videos, gear pages, boat registration pages, and some other cool stuff so keep coming back and checking in with us. Do not forget to check out Facebook page, and like us to help keep information streaming to you ! While your on the site – be sure to check out our FAQ (frequent asked questions page) A lot of questions answered here about the Solo – if you can’t find an answer – call us ! Tight lines and happy days on the water !